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March 2, 2020

Make an Impact with your Vision

This morning, at 5.30 am, I was ready for my meditation session as usual… I was sitting on my cushion, and I was starting to think about today and the message I wanted to share with you. And if you know me, you know that I love to talk about self-development but I love to talk about it pragmatically. It is really no secret that personal growth is my favourite thing in the world, it’s my gem. But while I was sitting there, I started to think: “Ok. I want to speak about something that immediately adds value to people’s life, I want to start with something the majority of people struggle with and that I think is crucial to living a fulfilling life: this is so beneficial for individuals, executives, and leaders, parents, … and also children!!!
And, believe me, it was so distruptive in my personal experience.
I’m the kind of person who, at the beginning of the year, starts to work on defining an intention, finding a purpose, defining goals, making a plan of action.
People always say: “NEW YEAR, NEW ME…I want to achieve this and that….This is the list of my goals!” , but the reality is that they often couldn’t stick to their New Year’s resolutions. For people is so hard to be consistent with their plan.
Does this resonate with you?
And now, the first half of the year is almost over, and you probably also have already put on a side your New Year’s resolutions 😊, right?

This is what happens:

  1. Especially at the beginning of a New Year, there is like an EXTERNAL FORCE that pushes us to think about our life and we start to think 😊 : “What changes did I hope to make in my life last year?”, “Did I succeed?”………
  2. Then we start to feel an EMOTION….the PLEASURE of thoughts like “ I want to achieve even more this year” or the PAIN of “enough is enough, this year I’m really going to do it ”.
  3. At one point, the emotion turns into a DECISION. But the decision is just about making a resolution……. And it’s ok! It’s a good start!!!

But I know you have 2 QUESTIONS for me now…..
1) Whatever my dream is or whatever I want to create in my life….How can I stick to my original plan?

I know…there are a lot of distractions in life…. And the result is that everything becomes more complicated and you start to feel overwhelmed or not good enough.

2) What’s the easiest way to turn my intention into ACTION?

There is something magical I want to share with you today and I promise everything in the Year will suddenly become easier.
The KEY is becoming a visionary person and learning how to maximize your unique talent, potential and strengths.
This means that you become a MAGNET for achieving everything you desire in your life and elevating everyone around you!
I found this is what successful people have in common in order to live a more fulfilling life and reach true success. They start with the end in mind and have full and deep clarity on their VISION, MISSION and PURPOSE.
I’ll try to simplify those concepts now.
Let’s create a simple picture to be more effective about that 😊:

  1. Imagine an actual path that you’re walking along. This is the path that you’re going to be on all your life. Now, this path represents your MISSION. “How are we going to do what we want to do?”
  2. The path leads to a big red sun. This sun represents your vision and it will empower you to clarify your life’s direction. The CEO has a business plan to guide the company. A soccer coach has a game plan to lead the team. A vision plan is your road map to get you from where you are to where you desire to be. It gives you the right directions to follow. “What exactly are we going to create as a result of that?”
  3. The third point is the question mark. It is what we usually call our WHY. Why are you going to step on this path? “Why are we doing this?”

Ok, but that’s not all.
I want to share another tool.
The compass. The compass represents our VALUES which tell us whether or not we’re on track or off track.

How do I know that I’m on track or not?

  • The intensity of my feelings
  • My inner voice

The truth is that when we are living, and experiencing our values we’re experiencing a sense of fulfillment, inspiration, gratitude, presence and love.
So, in order to achieve REAL RESULTS, you need to pick up the compass, have a good reason why, get on your path which is your mission, and start making your way up to your vision.
… And you will see… “wherever focus goes, energy flows”.

Lao Tzu said: “When you realize nothing is lacking, the whole world belongs to you.


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Angela Ferlita

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